  • SENCH™ Side Threading Needles

SENCH needles are a cinch to thread!

Side threading needles are easy to thread and they stay threaded, but don’t shred your thread.

SENCH stands for Spiral Eye Needles made in China. They are the perfect needle for someone who needs an easy thread needle and just wants to mend, sew on a button, fix a hem and do basic embroidery.

By altering the eye of the needle slightly and making them in China out of nickel plated iron (like all the regular needles in the world) I could sell needles with my patented side threading eye at an affordable cost. I had them add the gold plating on the eye of SENCH needles because I could no longer tell which end of the needle had the point and which end had the eye.

SENCH side threading needles are the perfect needle for everyday sewing tasks.

The cost of making Spiral Eye Side Threading Needles out of stainless steel in America is extremely high. Serious crafters who see the sewing needle as an intimate tool are willing to pay the price of a Spiral Eye Needle. That is not the right choice for everyone.

Patent # US 8,151,720 B2   Patent # Canada 2,755,302  Patent # Europe 2,406,419

Set of 12 SENCH™ Needles

CH-12 • Side-threading General Mending Needles

large SENCH needle Sench side threading needle close up Sench Needles with different threads

SENCH™ Side Threading Needles

Set of 12 (3 eac: size 8,6 & 4 and three longer needles)

Side slot and channel into the eye make them easy to thread and stay threaded.

An economic option for those who just want to mend or do simple embroidery who struggle to thread a traditional needle.

Nickel plated iron with gold eye.

Made in China.



Set of 6 SENCH™ Needles

CH-6 • Side-threading General Mending Needles

Gold plated eye on Nickel plated needles

SENCH™ Side Threading Needles

Set of 6 needles. Two of each size (8, 6 & 4 sharp).

A slot in the side of the eye goes into a channel that leads to the eye. Perfect for the casual sewing person who has trouble threading needles.

An economic option for those who just want to mend or do simple embroidery. Six needles per set, two each: size 8, 6, 4.

Nickel plated iron with gold eye. Made in China.

