  • Needles for Sewing Machine

Spiral Eye side threading machine needle

Spiral Eye side threading needle

Spiral Eye Machine Needles are So Easy to Thread!

The Spiral Eye Machine needle is the ONLY side threading needle with a slot and channel shaped like a check mark. This means it threads easily and stays threaded no matter how fast you sew. Watch the video to see how easy it is!

I make them from a SCHMETZ brand size 80/12 Universal needle.

But, do not confuse the Spiral Eye side threading machine needle with the SCHMETZ brand quick threading needle, sometimes called a handicap needle. That has a slot that goes horizontally into the eye at the mid point of the eye. It can come unthreaded when you sew fast. SCHMETZ knows I am altering the eye of their needle. They want me to prove there is a market for my design as it costs more to make than the one they make.

All side threading hand sewing needles.