Shop for Specialty Needles
Beading needles, fish baiting needles and more!
Patent #US 8,151,720,B2 Canada #2,755,302 Patent # Europe 2,406,419

PONY Beading Set of 6 Long Thin Needles
2" long beading needles. Sizes 10-12. Made in India. $7.95/set of 6

PONY Set of 5 Glover's Needles
Tri-corner, cutting leather needles. Sizes 3-7. Made in India. $7.95/set of 5

PONY Set of 6 Double Eye Tapestry Needles
Cross stitch double-eye needles with gold eyes. Tapestry needle. Sizes 15, 17 & 20. Made in India. $7.95/set of 6

PONY Set of 12 size 12 Betweens
Smallest hand-quilting needles. Betweens. Size 12. Made in India. $7.95/set of 12

PONY Set of 6 Beading Needles Sizes 10 - 12
Nickel plated steel. Traditional eye. Sizes 10, 11 & 12. Made in India. $7.95/set of 6

SR-9 SEW RIGHT™ Needles Set of 9
Set of 9 SEW RIGHT™ needles. Perfect for casual sewing. Nickel plated iron with gold eye. Made in China. $8.45/set

SR-12 SEW RIGHT™ Needles Set of 12
Set of 12 SEW RIGHT™ needles. Perfect for casual sewing. Nickel plated iron with gold eye. Made in China. $10.95/set

Pam's Most Popular Spiral Eye Needle Set
The most popular three Spiral Eye needles in a package. All sharps. One each size 8, 6, & 4. $24.75/set

SE-8B Spiral Eye Needle for Beading
The SE-8B Spiral Eye beading needle. Stainless steel. Made in the U.S.A. $8.25/needle

SE-1 The Original Spiral Eye Needle
The SE-1 Spiral Eye Needle. The original. Popular with long-arm quilters for burying their stray thread tails. Stainless steel. Made in the U.S.A. $8.25/needle

Machine Needle by Spiral Eye® (Set of 2)
Set of 2 Spiral Eye Needles for sewing machines. Chrome plated. $15.25/set of 2